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Recycling Week: Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling for a Sustainable Future

Reduce, reuse, recycle, these three simple actions can help us lower our environmental impact and create a more sustainable future, but what do they mean?

  • Reduce means to find ways to generate less waste.
  • Reuse means to repurpose materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • Recycle means to turn waste material into something new.

At Russell Group we take reducing, reusing, and recycling our waste seriously and have made significant strides in improving our operations to be more eco-friendly.

How we’re reducing waste:

  • We are using LED light bulbs and light sensors across our sites.
  • We have installed fast lift automatic doors at our Contract Packing site to keep heat in and prevent excess energy use.
  • We are not using unnecessary paper (e.g., sending documents digitally rather than printing where feasible).
  • We are encouraging staff to use reusable water bottles on sites with water dispensers.
  • We are advising staff to turn off appliances when not in use.

How we’re reusing waste materials:

  • We re-tread our old tyres to be sold on and re-used.
  • We re-use the walking floors in our old trailers by removing and reconditioning them, and repurposing them into newer second-hand trailers.

How we’re recycling waste materials:

  • We have placed several battery recycling stations, as well as recycling points for glass, paper and plastic in canteens across our sites.
  • Our contract packing site recycle plastic, glass, and cardboard waste. Currently 90% of all our contract packing waste is being recycled with only 10% going to landfill. Our target is to reduce this landfill element by the end of 2023.
  • We also recycle our engine oil to be repurposed.

What next?

We believe that everyone has a role to play in reducing waste and protecting the environment. By reducing, reusing, and recycling what we use and consume, we can all make a difference. That’s why we are committed to growing and developing greener waste management methods within our business. To find out more about our environmental commitments, please read our Sustainability Statement.


About the author

Carntyne Transport

Carntyne Transport is a leading third party logistics provider specialising in bulk transport and the provision of on-site logistics and cask storage. Part of the Russell Group, we have an established history of 60 years within the transport industry, providing our customers with the perfect blend of quality and service.